July 13, 2020 | Categories: Mission Reports, Videos
Mission Report: Sevenmile Road

Monday the 13th a team from Colorado 4×4 Rescue and Recovery went up 7 mile trail just outside of Rustic to get a Chevy S10 that slid off the road in the dark trying to make room for a SXS that was coming downhill.
Unfortunately in the dark, it’s often extremely difficult with standard reverse lights to see where the edge of the trail is, and once this truck started going off the steep bank there was no stopping it.
PSA: Why do we have to smash windows on cars? Please leave personal property that isn’t yours alone! It’s just adding insult to injury and totally unnecessary! This vehicle didn’t even sit for 30 hours and already had broken glass.
This was a classic pendulum style recovery with 2 winched vehicles, one on front and one on back. We wrapped a 1/2 inch grade 70 log chain around a giant rock to use as the rear redirect for the winch (vs running 200 feet of winch extension to a stout high uphill tree), and used a 2:1 on the front of the truck to save the battery stress on the uphill winch vehicle, and share the recovery forces across 2 different aspen trees.
Rigging this kind of pull takes more time than then actual winching does, and once set up the vehicle was out in less than 10 minutes.
On our way out we saw a Cow Moose with her Calf! What a treat!
Colorado 4×4 Rescue and Recovery
We recover the Rockies!
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